"What makes work worthwhile?" This is the overarching question that motivates my research. To shed light on this inquiry, I focus on exploring two types of relationships that exist in the workplace: one’s relationship with other people, and one’s relationship with the work itself (i.e., motivation and orientation toward work).
Below is a summary of my recent research papers and works in progress for each stream.
1. Interpersonal relationships at work
"Organizational minimum pay increases and social comparisons"† with Amy Wrzesniewski and Jim Baron (Reject & Resubmit at Organization Science)
"Intrinsic motivation and partners in entrepreneurship" with Jihae Shin
"Finding a home: Exposure to potential paths and specialty choice of medical students" with Amy Wrzesniewski
"Workplace relationship and career outcomes" with Rodrigo Canales
"Working with robots in the recycling sorting industry" with Amy Wrzesniewski
2. Individuals' relationships with their work
"How work orientation impacts objective career outcomes via managerial (mis)perceptions" with Winnie Jiang* (Published in Academy of Management Journal) Link
"Boredom, multitasking, and creativity at work"† with Jihae Shin and Nancy Rothbard (Revise & Resubmit at Organization Science)
"Boomerang employment for layoff victims"† with Rebecca Paluch* (Under review at Journal of Applied Psychology)
"Foothold or springboard? The complexity of extrinsic motivation" with Amy Wrzesniewski
"In times of crisis: How crises affect attitudes toward work" with Winnie Jiang*
"Job crafting" with Amy Wrzesniewski (in Oxford Bibliographies in Management. New York: Oxford University Press) Link
†denotes manuscript names redacted for reviews
*denotes equal authorship